Joining Faculty Association
The Executive Committee invites IISc faculty members to join the
Faculty Association, IISc. There is only one membership grade: LIFE
MEMBERSHIP. The Life membership fee is Rs 2000 (Rupees Two Thousand only), which can be paid by cash/cheque.
Cheque should be in favour of "Faculty Association, IISc" and may be sent through IISc mail /or through representatives to
Dr. Rajarshi Das Bhowmik (Treasurer, FA), ICWaR, IISc, email: and
Prof. Supratim Ray (General Secretary, FA), CNS, IISc, email:
The receipt for the cheque will be sent to you.
You can also do a bank transfer in the following account:
CANARA BANK, BANGALORE, Indian Institute of Science Campus
A/C No: 0683101004953
IFSC Code: CNRB0000683
Alternatively, you can scan the below QR code and pay.

Prospective members can also use GPay to directly transfer money to FA account, by selecting the 'Bank Transfer' option in their GPay home screen and entering the account number and IFSc code.
After remitting the membership fee online, please share the transfer details with us. We will issue a receipt after confirmation of the amount received.
Note :: FA also accepts donations from members for the FA Welfare activities
List of Life Members (upto March 2024)