Summary of the General Body Meeting of the Faculty Association, IISc

held on 28 July 2004 at Choksi Hall from 4:00pm onwards




    1. The Secretary, Prof. Vasant Natarajan, who also chaired the meeting, welcomed the members. He then called on the President, Prof. Kumaran, to felicitate faculty members who will be retiring at the end of this academic year. The President expressed FA's appreciation for their long and distinguished service to the Institute through their teaching and research. On behalf of the FA, he also presented a memento to each of them. The Secretary then invited short presentations from the members; Prof. Govinda Rao (ex-President of FA) and Prof. Dattaguru spoke on behalf of the retiring faculty members, and Prof. P.C. Pandey spoke in appreciation of Prof. Dattaguru and other retiring members.

    The meeting re-convened after a short break, to take up the remaining agenda items.

    2. The minutes of the previous GBM, which were on display at the FA's website, were approved without any modification. Dr. Shivaprakash proposed its approval, and Prof. Jayant Haritsa seconded it.

    3. In his Presidential remarks, Prof. Kumaran first thanked the previous Executive Committee (EC) and office-bearers for vigorously pursuing issues of importance to the faculty of the Institute. While there has been some success with some of the issues, the present Committee is working on resolving the remaining ones. Among the notable successes, he mentioned that sixty new apartments are being constructed, and that the long-pending issue of CPF - GPF conversion was resolved for most people who sought it.

    He also pointed out that FA's activities are being carried out by only a small number of interested faculty, many of whom also serve on its EC. Given the nature of our jobs, it is understandable that many of us tend to be individualistic; however, it must be borne in mind that when individuals run into difficulty, FA is the only forum that they can turn to. This unique role of FA to take up causes in a collective fashion can be strengthened only with the active involvement of more members.

    FA has grown in stature and credibility over the last ten years or so, thanks largely to a reasonable approach taken by its leadership during this period in all its dealings with the administration. In order to maintain its credibility, it is important to (a) have more members involved in its activities, and (b) get more members into its fold. He informed the members that a membership drive will be launched soon.

    He also suggested that the FA should be more proactive in reaching out not only to young faculty who have joined the Institute recently, but also to those who are about to join us. They can be given assistance to ease their life during the initial weeks and months. They can also be put in touch with informal mentors from among the FA members for this purpose. These activities, if carried out in the right spirit, would also help with building a harmonious community of faculty members in the Institute.

    With these remarks, the President requested the Secretary to present his report.

    4. The secretary informed the members that the FA had six meetings of the EC and four meetings with the Director (including one on the morning of the day of the GBM) during the tenure of the current EC. He expressed his thanks to the Director for launching the construction of sixty new apartments. He also thanked the administration for resolving the issue of CPF-GPF conversion.

    He informed the members that the FA is continuing its efforts to resolve the following issues: House allotment rules, rules for housing under DDQ, converting the eligibility criterion (for various types of housing) to one based on salary, and modifcation in the design of apartments in the new complex being constructed. The Director had mentioned that he would like to plan something grand (with long-term vision) for the upcoming centenary celebrations, and wanted suggestions from the FA. The Secretary invited the participation of the FA in giving suggestions.

    5. The treasurer presented a statement of accounts, which were approved unanimously. The approval was proposed by Prof. Abinandanan and seconded by Prof. Jayant Haritsa.

    6.a. Under "items from members", Dr. G.S. Avadhani read his letter to the President of FA listing some of the problems faced by the scientific staff of the Institute: discrimination - vis a vis the academic faculty - in allocation of funds, student allotment, reimbursement of telephone charges, etc. He urged the FA to seek a clarification from the administration about these issues.

    In the discussion that followed, it was suggested that these grievances be compiled along with supporting documents (circulars or administrative orders from the Institute), so that they can be taken up with the administration in a coherent manner. Dr. Avadhani accepted this suggestion, and said he will get back to the EC with such a document.

    6.b. A member sought some clarification about the rules for house allotment. In reply, the President informed the members that the FA has asked the Institute to change the current system; this change is particularly necessary now, since sixty new apartments are coming up for occupation in the next one year. The President also sought suggestions from the members for names of faculty members (a) to represent the FA in the house allotment committee, and (b) to head the committee.

    6.c. Prof. Anantanarayan sought a clarification regarding whether all the benefits given to the Central Government employees are being extended to the faculty members of the Institute. In reply, the President suggested that it would be desirable to compile first a list of these benefits. Prof. Anantanarayan also suggested that the FA could revive the IISc survival kit - a website with useful information meant especially for new faculty hires.

    7. The meeting came to an end, with Prof. Kumaran and members of the GBM expressing their thanks to the Chair, Prof. Vasant Natarajan.