Summary of the General Body Meeting of the Faculty
Association, IISc
held on 20 Sep 2002 at Choksi Hall from 4:30pm
Confirmation of the minutes of the previous GBM
President's remarks
Secretary's report
Treasurer's report
Discussion items
Vision for IISc
Housing: Invited presentation
Prof. Arup Raychaudhuri, Chairman of the Housing
Allotment Committee
Medical coverage
Any other items
- The minutes of the
previous GBM was sent by email to all members. However, a member objected
in passing the minutes and demanded that the minutes be read and also
pointed that the minutes of the GBM did not include his remarks. The
minutes were read, proposed and seconded
and passed.
- A resolution not to
take up any items concerning minutes of
previous GBMs was proposed, seconded and passed. This would ensure
proper utilisation of time for current matters.
- The President made
the following observations:
- Accomplishments:
Mainly on issues concerning work and residential life of faculty. In my impression, convincing the
administration on many of the issues is largely by attrition.
- Example of housing: enormous initial resistance, agreement on
construction, later emphasis on management of allotment of existing
housing, now addition conditional on X plan grant. Similarly on administartive reforms/efficiency,
transparency etc.
- After many
representations, Unit III has significantly improved. Commendable work has been done by
Adinarayanamurthy. New Asstt Reg
in charge of Unit III is also a faculty facilitator for young faculty. He
can be approached for practically all issues (including admission to
- FA has suggested a faculty mentor for young faculty.
- Campus maintenance; subway across to KV; traffic, creche etc.
- Phones, internet
etc. – continuous ugradation needed.
- Need IT services Dept. – need follow-up work.
- Soul searching on
role of FA – perhaps should also be on long term planning for
institute. Participate in
creating a vision for IISc?
- The Secretary
presented the report of the activity till date:
- The EC and office
bearers have met several times to plan the activities.The Office bearers
of FA met the Director on 09 May02, 02 Sep 02 and also met the Associate
Director on 09 Sep 02.
- Housing: The
details of the housing are in the newsletter. FA's position is that about
120 new E-type quarters need to be constructed.
Members noted:
that there were many
vacant D-type houses. But these are for other categories of employees.
that FA should also
look at possible ways IISc can help faculty to build personal housing which
would help ease the problem.
- Medical coverage:
It was noted that too frequent changes in the policy is not helpful and a
long-term policy is needed (see newsletter for details) Also, IISc is
paying too much compared to other institutions of similar size.
that FA should
seriously look at IISc offering a choice to faculty to choose their own
individual medical insurance and not make CHSS
that FA should look at
options of having a group insurance policy only for Faculty. Need to explore
with an insurance
company, where, for example, there is a 5-yr coverage for a larger sum of, say
Rs 5 lakhs
- Phones: FA noted
that while it has improved, more features like voice mail are needed.
IISc has promised addition of about 300 more lines to the campus.
Members noted:
every faculty member
must have an indivudal phone line (at least) and also have a phone line for the
associated lab.
- Internet: FA
acknowledges improvement but need more bandwidth (2-3 times) and quality
service. Need for an IT centre which will take care of all networking
Members noted:
Chairman, SERC, noted
that the cost of bandwidth is very high and needs to be considered. Also, VSNL
has problems which get reflected in the
quality of service.
- There was a call
for volunteers to address these and several other issues.
- The Treasurer
presented the financial status of the Association.
- Chairman,
Housing Allotment Committee made a
presentation about the current status of housing on campus. The highlights
- Need for FA to take
active role in housing. A suggestion to create a task force to address
the housing situation and plan for the future.
- HAC is formulating
the rules of housing and request to all faculty to vacate DDQ if offered
eligible housing
- 15-20 D-type and
15-20 E-type need to be built to ensure that a faculty does not wait for
more than 2 years
- HAC does not have admin control on
maintenance of housing and so there is a delay in people being able to
move into allotted housing.
7. There was a discussion
about the vision for IISc and the possible manner in which IISc could
collectively create a more vibrant IISc, which would reflect the aims and
objectives of the Association too. It was observed that steps be taken to
spread the joy of our academic profession to others to build a good base at
other institutions and universities.
was also observed that other institutions in the world do have strategic
planning in this regard.
Members noted:
that FA should not get
into such issues and should focus on issues of importance like housing,
medical, school etc.
that over the past few
years, FA has been pursuing activities
which address professional issues concerning faculty and could look at these issues
too without abandoning important issues
like housing etc.
that there is a need to
create an atmosphere where we can reinvent continuously and use technology
a teaching award be
instituted by FA to recognise the efforts of faculty
a brainstorming session
be organised by FA on the FUTURE of IISc!
Secretary thanked the members for their participation in the meeting.